Latest newsletter formatted and presented as an A4-newsletter.
Also see the latest financial statement. 2024 accounts will be prepared soon.
Keep Space for Peace Week Rally
Speakers from 1pm: Tom Unterrainer, chair of CND; Peter Burt, Drone Wars UK; John Gittings, former Guardian foreign affairs editor; Lindis Percy, Campaign for the Accountability of US bases.
The Role of the Arts & Culture in Promoting Peace & Opposing War
MAW's Annual Remembrance Lecture will be held this year in the Oasis Hub Waterloo, and will be given by actor, playwright and peace activist Michael Mears.
Kingston Peace Council/CND stall
Regularly on 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, from 11am to
1pm or sometimes to 2pm.
Building Peace from the Ground Up
A day conference of talks, workshops and worship exploring how to respond to hate, and how to build the church up as a place active for peace.
NJPN AGM and 40th Anniversary Celebration
Come and join us for our AGM and celebration of 40 years of working together for justice, peace and the care of creation. A chance to celebrate our journey and look to the challenges of the future.
Annual Justice & Peace Conference 2018
'In the Shelter of Each Other the People Live'
Peace Sunday.
Fellowship of Reconciliation will be producing resources.
Please save the date in your church calendar and encourage them to mark the day.
Peace Sunday
The theme for Peace Sunday 2017 is: Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace.
Changing the narrative for peace - critical role of the media
A conference in Darlington, Saturday 24th September 2016
- the need to change the narrative and thinking around what we mean by security, peace and conflict
Talking Peace Festival
International Alert will launch its third Talking Peace Festival on UN International Peace Day (21 September), with a two-week series of creative events to mark the organisation’s 30-year anniversary.
Cornwall 'Health Through Peace' Workshop.
A movement-building workshop for health professionals and students to discuss how to unite and grow as a community involved in initiatives working towards health through peace.
'Health Through Peace' Network Day.
An opportunity for health professionals and students working on issues related to peace and security in and around Oxford to network, promote their campaigns and events, and more generally begin to wo
Campaign Nonviolence Week of Actions 2016
Campaign Nonviolence is a long-term movement for a culture of peace and nonviolence free from war, poverty, racism, environmental destruction and the epidemic of violence.