Democracy has advanced greatly in Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America in the Post-Cold War era, but is now threatened by “Corporatocracy” – the economic and political power of transnational corporations, which take key global decisions outside democratic governments.
Linking 2Ds: Democracy and Development for Global Peace
Asking Good Questions
22nd & 29th November and 6th December: Authentic Communication Series
Join Simon Keyes for one or all of our Authentic Communication Series.
Asking Good Questions - A practical workshop on the art of crafting questions that open up conversations.
Purposeful Listening
22nd & 29th November and 6th December: Authentic Communication Series
Join Simon Keyes for one or all of our Authentic Communication Series.
£50 each workshop, £120 for the three.
Purposeful Listening - A practical workshop to help you practise the central skill of all inter-personal communication.
The Good Party
The Good Party - Fundraising party for St Ethelburga's
Good people, good times, good cause.
The 'Good party' is a new venture that wants to connect people in a genuine, enjoyable and chilled out manner, making sure everyone involved has a good time and we raise some money for a charity; St Ethelburga's Centre.
This will be our first party event to support the charity ensuring the proceeds from the event go to the centre.
8.00pm until 1.00am
Free glass of sparkling wine on arrival. Food and Bar available.
Live band will be the amazing West African Blues Project.
Middle East - Is Peace Possible?
Jeremy Corbyn MP invites you to Uniting for Peace Annual Conference at House of Commons, London.
Speakers include Jeremy Corbyn MP. Marwan Darweish, Peace Studies Lecturer, Coventry University. Tim Llewellyn, former BBC Middle East Correspondent and more.
All welcome. Please arrive early to allow time for security checks.
Just Supper at The Well at Willen
Just Supper, followed at 8.15 by a presentation from Navrita Atwal of MK Equalities on the new United Nations Association being set up in Milton Keynes and on the importance of local involvement in the UNA at this time of world change. To reserve a place at Open Table, ring 01908 242190 or email Please give 24 hours' notice if a meal is required. All welcome.
Just Supper at The Well at Willen
Just Supper, followed at 8.15pm by a presentation from Robin Baker of The Well and the Society of the Sacred Mission, "Apartheid and its legacy - so what's changed in South Africa?", following his recent visit to Southern Africa. To reserve a place at Open Table, ring 01908 242190 or email Please give 24 hours' notice if a meal is required. All welcome.
Holy Innocents
Event at St Martin-in-the-Fields, and outside Westminster Abbey, organised by Anglican Pacifist Fellowship under the auspices of the Network of Christian Peace Organisations. Further details to follow.
International Day of Peace
Woking Action for Peace (WAfP) will be marking International Day of Peace, meeting by our Peace Tree in Woking Park and celebrating our peace in the world, and bringing stories of others who do not have peace.
Please come and join us, bring snacks to share for an early evening picnic, and bring candles/nightlights to lighten the evening if you are able.
Woking Park, near the Bowling Green and the Ockenden sculpture.
Peace & Justice in the Holy Land.
Speakers: Nora Carmi, John Battle,Bishop Martin Wharton, Bishop William Kenney, Stephen Leah and workshops from CAFOD, Christian Aid, EAPPI, Pax Christi, Friends of the Holy Land and more... Supported by Justice and Peace, Pax Christi, EAPPI, CAFOD,Friends of Sabeel, Palestine Solidarity and North East Christian Churches Together.
Called to be Peacemakers Conference 2012 - 'Money, Power, and Peace'
A free day-long conference is being arranged by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, in association with Pax Christi and Quaker Peace and Social Witness.
This Called to be Peacemakers event is for 18-30 year-olds who want to engage with the issues we face today in looking for a better society.
International Day of Peace events
Take part in a day of talks, activities, tours and film screenings on 22 September, as part of International Day of Peace, held on 21 September – linked to the Build the Truce display.
Programme of free drop-in events including film screenings, talks, drama and storytelling, some suitable for children. See for details.
United for Peace and Prosperity
A Central Region Forum, with Chairman UNA UK, Sir Jeremy Greenstock
1.To create a plan for contributing to a peaceful Middle East
2. To recognise young peoples' skills in 'Model UN'
3. To recognise the contribution to UN goals of local partners
Silvester Horne Institute; St laurence's Parish Centre; and Mayfair Community Centre Venue Address
1. High St, Chuch Stretton, SY6 6BY
2. Church St, Church Stretton, SY6 6DQ
3. Easthope Rd, Church Stretton, SY6 6BL
UN International Day of Peace Commemoration
The Warwick District UN Association will be celebrating the UN International Day of Peace on 21st September, 2012. Guest speakers, film screening from and followed by discussions on the subject.
Can War be "Just" in the 21st Century?
Speakers: Brian Wicker, Trustee of Pax Christi and co-editor of 'Just War on Terror? A Christian and Muslim Response'.
And: Jim McCluskey, author of 'The Nuclear Threat: Intolerable and Avoidable'
Bring sandwiches from 12.30pm. Tea and coffee provided.
Peace News Summer Camp organising group meeting
Meeting for black and minority ethnic radical activists interested in organising Peace News Summer Camp 2013. Venue in central London.
Ray Towey, Henrietta Cullinan and Katrine Alton are in court for marking the ministry of defence with blessed charcoal during a Holy Week witness against nuclear war preparations. Prayers: 9.30am. Support: all day.
Rembrance Day Lecture
'Old and New Wars' with Mary Kaldor, Professor of Global Governance. In the Museum Cinema.
Preceded by MAW AGM at 11.15am in the Conference Room.
Breathing Spaces
An evening of world poetry up close in a Bedouin Tent hidden away in the City of London.
Presented by Raficq Abdulla and Stephen Watts (who will also read their work). Featuring:
Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi (Sudan)
Fatieh Saudi (Jordan)
Sharanya Manivannan (India)
Ziba Karbassi (Iran)
With music from Kalia Baklitzanaki (voice/ney)
“Rebuilding societies after wars”
With Claire Smith, lecturer in Post-War Recovery Studies, University of York.
One of a series of free Tuesday Evening Peace Talks followed by questions and discussion.