A conference in Darlington, Saturday 24th September 2016
- the need to change the narrative and thinking around what we mean by security, peace and conflict
- the role and opportunities for independent voices and forms of media, and
- how campaigning and awareness-raising can most effectively be taken forward using existing media, new and alternative media.
Speakers will include
- Michael Gray – journalist from CommonSpace (a digital news and views service and a place to network, share ideas and discuss the issues affecting Scotland)
- Andrew Smith – Media Coordinator from Campaign Against Arms Trade
- David Gee – Ammerdown Group on rethinking security
There will be workshops on these and related themes, giving space for exploring practicalities and possibilities and to network with others
The conference is free and open to all those interested in exploring and taking action on these issues. It will take place at the Quaker Meeting House on Skinnergate in the centre of Darlington, approximately 12 minutes walk from the train station. Lunch provided – no charge but donations welcome.
Please register by ...
Phone 01204 382330,
Email nfpb@gn.apc.org
Via Facebook http://www.facebook.com/events/1784481555131362/
And check this page further updates - http://nfpb.org.uk/mediaconf
Northern Friends Peace Board, work for peace with and for Quakers in the North of Britain
NFPB, Victoria Hall, Knowsley Street, Bolton BL1 2AS Charity: SC 024632