Members of St John Bosco parish will share their experience of becoming a 'LiveSimply parish. Plus: opportunities to network and get updates from national agencies.
Peace and Justice
NJPN Open Networking Day - 'Living the Gospel'.
Just Supper at the Well at Willen
Supper at 7.30, talk at 8.15. To reserve a place at Open Table at 7.30pm, please ring 01908 242190 or email Please allow 24 hours to book a meal.
Woking Debates: Is welfare fair?
Hazel Craig Waller and specialists from Woking CAB.
The venue is accessible by lift and stairs.
Open Networking Day.
Come and join the Conversation sustaining justice and peace work at the grassroots.
Please bring your own lunch, tea and coffee will be provided.
iPeace Christmas Concert and Dance
Come along to hear great live music, singalong and have a good boogie! Refreshments and snacks available. Bring your own booze? All proceeds to ipeace general fund.
Just Supper at The Well at Willen
Just Supper at The Well at Willen. 7.30 & Speaker at 8.15. Speaker is MK Mayor, Cllr Brian White, who will give a short talk on his Mayor's Charity, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Following this is an open discussion on plans for 2014, especially the Great War commemoration.
To reserve a place at Open Table at 7.30pm, please ring 01908 242190 or email
Please give 24 hours notice if a meal is required. All welcome
Knighton Action for Peace & Justice meetings
Knighton Action for Peace & Justice meetings
Knighton Action for Peace & Justice meetings
Next meetings: 11 April and 13 May
Knighton Action for Peace & Justice meetings
Next meetings: 14 February, 14 March, 11 April and 13 May
Huddersfield Quaker Meeting
Huddersfield Friends organise an annual Peace Lecture, usually in October, along with many other peace & justice related events.
Blood, Sweat & Gear: the human cost of the London Olympics
Will the legacy from the Games be exploited garment workers and the marginalisation of east London communities? Conference organised by the anti-poverty charity War on Want. Among the speakers will be Amirul Haque Amin, president of the charity’s partner, the National Garment Workers’ Federation, Arifa Akter, its organiser and ex-sweatshop worker, and Sharon Sukhram, who coordinates the TUC campaign Playfair 2012.
SGR Annual General Meeting and Strategy Forum 2012
This AGM will mark SGR’s 20th anniversary. Apart from the formal business of the AGM, we will also have a strategy development forum to reflect on SGR’s achievements to date, and discuss our future path. More info available later at:
Just Supper at The Well: 'Transparency International and the Fight against Global Corruption'
Just Supper 7.30 & talk at 8.15 by Dr Neville Linton on 'Transparency International and the Fight against Global Corruption'. An overview of the pioneering role of TI in establishing corruption as a vital issue for pressing remedial action, in both the public and private sectors, if the goal of creating a globalised world based on development, democracy, peace and a just society is to be achieved.
To reserve a place at Open Table at 7.30pm, please ring 01908 242190 or email
Please give 24 hours notice if a meal is required. All welcome
ipeace AUCTION
There will be fantastic food, marvellous music (from The Free Peace Band) and of course the auction of great goods and stupendous services in aid of our charity, hosted by the dynamic duo of radiant Richard and delectable Debbie.....
MK Peace & Justice Network AGM
Business meeting followed by a presentation from Marcus Armstrong on his recent experiences in Kurdistan/Northern Iraq as a member of a Christian Peacemaker Team. To reserve a place for supper at Open Table at 7.30pm, please ring 01908 242190 or email giving at least 24 hours notice.
Just Supper at The Well.
Just Supper, followed at 8.15 by presentation from John Davies of 'Population Matters' on the implications of our planet's population growth. To reserve a place at Open Table, ring 01908 242190 or email PLEASE give at least 24 hours notice if a meal is required. All welcome.
National Justice & Peace Networking Day
National Justice & Peace Networking Day, 10.30 – 4.00pm: opportunities for networking with justice and peace activists from around the country. Speakers: Pat Gaffney and Rosemary Read: ‘Building a Culture of Peace: a year long opportunity building on the World Peace Day message 2012 – Educating young people in justice and peace.’
A Visit to Japan
Special Open Table at The Well. In October Fr Colin Griffiths visited Japan and the area devastated by the tsunami. Join us for supper and a talk about his experience. Cost: donation towards the work of the Red Cross in Japan. To reserve a place at Open Table, ring 01908 242190 or email giving at least 24 hours notice if food is required. All welcome.
United Nations Day.