Speaker: Andrew Dey from Action for Atomic Weapons Eradication.
Bring your pink wool for knitting or crocheting into a 7 mile scarf to go from Aldermaston to Burghfield on 9th August. All Welcome.
Salisbury CND Public Meeting and AGM.
Talking Trident Tour
WMD Awareness Talking Trident Tour will be at the Glastonbury Festival. Join the Talking Trident debate To kick off this conversation we asked 4,207 adults across the UK 10 questions about nuclear weapons. Now we’re taking their views around the UK to see what others think, and we’ll be communicating views directly to the UK’s top policy and decision-makers.
Talking Trident Tour
WMD Awareness Talking Trident Tour will be in Hay-on-Wye for the Literary Festival. Join the Talking Trident debate To kick off this conversation we asked 4,207 adults across the UK 10 questions about nuclear weapons. Now we’re taking their views around the UK to see what others think, and we’ll be communicating views directly to the UK’s top policy and decision-makers.
No Faith in Trident
No Faith in Trident tour with Bruce Kent. Focussing on Faith groups, Bruce Kent will address meetings on why it’s ‘Time to Scrap Trident’. See http://www.cnduk.org/get-involved/events for details.
Scrapping Trident
Public Meeting with Bruce Kent.
Wool Against Weapons Knit-In
The Peace Scarf keeps on growing. Come and join in!
For more information about the national campaign, and how our pink scarves will be joined with others to become a 7 mile long scarf between Aldermaston and Burghfield on 9th August, and why this protest against these 2 nuclear bomb making factories is so important, please visit www.woolagainstweapons.co.uk
Time to Scrap Trident
With Bruce Kent.
Open to all.
Scrap Trident Meeting
With Bruce Kent.
Open to all.
Launch of Scrap Trident Tour
With Bruce Kent & Sir Malcolm Rifkind.
Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp
Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp is held on the second weekend of every month. We arrive at camp on Saturday morning or sometimes on Friday evening (please ring to check we are there if you plan to come Friday evening). We stay until Sunday lunch-time.
London Region CND Public meeting
London Region CND Public meeting: A Japanese volunteer for “World Network for Saving Children from Radiation”' & “National Parents Network to protect Children from Radiation” speaking on how people’s lives and society have been affected by the ongoing Fukushima nuclear catastrophe (March 11th marks the 3rd anniversary of the disaster.)
This public meeting is preceded from 7-8pm by March’s London Region CND Council meeting, which people attending the public meeting can also attend if they wish.
Vigil at Heysham Nuclear Power Station
'No more Fukushimas; No more nuclear waste; No nuclear weapons'
On the 3rd anniversary of the nuclear incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, this is an invitation to all concerned people to join a vigil to say: 'No more Fukushimas; no more nuclear waste; no nuclear weapons!'
Please meet at 10:00am for a briefing and refreshments at the Lancaster Quaker Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TX.
Shrove Tuesday. Burial of the Alleluia.
Meet at the Imperial War Museum at 6pm. for our annual prayer walk and vigil to the Ministry of Defence.... It would be great if people could drop us an email or call if they plan to turn up so that we make sure we wait for stragglers...
CCND Embassies Walk.
Once again, Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, with help from ICAN UK (http://www.icanw.org/unitedkingdom/), will be visiting the London embassies of the Nuclear Weapons States, the New Agenda Coalition and other key countries campaigning for a Nuclear Weapons Convention.
10 a.m. Short service, Dick Sheppard Chapel, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London. 10.30am Briefing then depart.
Report an International War Crime at Reading Police Station
Crimestoppers! It is a crime to prepare for mass murder. Trident is the crime.
Forming an orderly queue, with placards and banners, one by one we will enter the police station (leaving placards outside) to report the crime, ask for a crime number and to press for an immediate criminal investigation.
"How can we scrap Trident and ban all nuclear weapons?"
CND Vice-President, core-group organiser of ActionAWE and Co-Chair of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) Rebecca Johnson is travelling the country this winter to inspire anti-Trident action.
Combat and the Campus: Nuclear weapons research at Britain's universities
Launch of the 'Atoms for Peace?' research report on university links to the UK's nuclear weapons programme followed by a panel discussion on the ethics of military research in universities with Sir Jonathon Porritt (Forum for the Future and Prince of Wales's Business & Sustainability Programme) and Professor Andy Blowers (Open University). All welcome
Wool Against Weapons Roll-out.
Demonstration at AWE Aldermaston & AWE Burghfield - Rolling out the Wool Against Weapons scarf. The scarf will be rolled out between the atomic weapon factories at Aldermaston and Burghfield on Nagasaki Day in a protest against Trident.
Buses to Aldermaston/Burghfield from various locations, see www.cnduk.org/wool
For more information about the event and the knitting, see www.woolagainstweapons.co.uk
Nuclear Hazard – an accident waiting to happen
With Kate Hudson. Recent disclosures of classified documents have illustrated the ever present danger of accidental nuclear missile detonation, and Chernobyl and Fukushima have shown the risks of nuclear power generation. At the same time the US/UK Mutual Defence Agreement binds the UK to permanent involvement in nuclear armaments. Kate Hudson is a political activist and academic, and has been General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament since September 2010.
Nearest tube station Farringdon. 6.45pm (doors open 6.30).
The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
A day for public awareness and education about the threat posed to humanity by nuclear weapons and to mobilize international efforts towards achieving the common goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world.