Democracy has advanced greatly in Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America in the Post-Cold War era, but is now threatened by “Corporatocracy” – the economic and political power of transnational corporations, which take key global decisions outside democratic governments.
The development agenda has fallen by the wayside and the gap between the rich and the poor is the highest since 1990. This totally unsustainable tragic scenario blights too many lives. One billion people go to sleep hungry every night. Two billion live on $2 a day, and suffer from malnutrition and deadly diseases. Every minute of the day sadly a mother dies in childbirth. And a fifth of the planet’s people live without access to safe clean drinking water and healthcare.
Speakers will explore the relationship between Democracy and Development, and the need for democratic accountability. They will also examine how the development agenda can be given fresh urgency – and how all these can advance just and sustainable global peace.
Tony Simpson, Director, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
Dr. Thomas Davies, Lecturer, International Politics, City University London
Simon Hughes, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats [TBC]
Vijay Mehta, Chair, Uniting for Peace.
Linking 2Ds: Democracy and Development for Global Peace
Sat, 20/04/2013 - 10:30 - 16:30
Regular event?:
This is a regular event
Organised by:
Uniting for Peace
Organiser is an NFP member
Wesley’s Chapel, 49 City Road, London EC1Y 1AU
Vijay Mehta:; Brian Cooper: 0131 446 9545