Faith Activism: Does it Work?

Sat, 16/05/2015 - 09:30 - 23:00
Regular event?: 
This is not a regular event

Organised by Anabaptist Network of Organisations and Christian Peacemaker Teams. The morning will be made up of a panel discussion, with well-known activists: Christian, Muslim and Humanist, chaired by Beccie D’Cuhna, CEO Greenbelt Festivals. The afternoon will be an opportunity for attendees to discuss topics of importance to them using an Open Space format. The evening will be an open mic Ceilidh with music, poetry and performance.

Also on the day -
Stalls from a diverse array of faith-inspired activist organisations.
Food from Union Chapel’s Margin’s Team (at a small cost).
Evening Ceilidh (Open Mic sharing of music, poetry, and performance – come prepared!).
Event is Free (donations towards costs welcome on the day)

Organiser is not an NFP member
Union Chapel, Islington, London N1 2UN
The event is free though ticketed and tickets can be booked through this link to eventbrite