Central St Martins, Kings Cross. http://www.anarchistbookfair.org.uk/
Radical bookselling & publishing
London Anarchist Bookfair.
"WeBe40" Radical Bookfair & Spaces of Dissent Forum
News From Nowhere flagship 40th birthday celebrations continue with a unique Radical Bookfair at the Bluecoat. http://www.thebluecoat.org.uk/
All events are free but ticketing for timed events is recommended - to book please contact Tickets and Information on 0151 702 5324 or info@theblucoat.org.uk. - See more at: http://www.thebluecoat.org.uk/events/view/events/2040#sthash.bpHLyM7D.dpuf
London Radical Bookfair 2014
We are very happy to announce the date of the 2014 London Radical Bookfair. This year we are joining forces with the Alternative Press Fair and taking over all 3 floors of the Bishopsgate Institute. What’s more the Bishopsgate Institute are also hosting a series of political talks in the run up to the bookfair.
Also incorporating the Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing 2014.
If you are a radical bookseller or publisher and would like a stall please contact Nik at Housmans Bookshop by email nik[at]housmans.com
ARB Bookfair
The Alliance of Radical Booksellers is proud to announce a new radical bookfair for London. The idea behind the fair is to create an event which showcases the depth and breadth of radical publishing and bookselling in the UK. The event will culminate with the announcement of the winner of the ARB’s book prize for the best political non-fiction, The Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing. This year for the first time the Bread and Roses award will be complemented by a new prize, The Little Rebels Award, to be given for the best piece of fiction for readers aged 0-12 years.
Alliance of Radical Booksellers
The Alliance of Radical Booksellers is a supportive community for Britain’s remaining radical booksellers. The Alliance hosts an annual Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing.