All welcome.
Peace and disarmament
29th Annual Celebration of the London Peace Pagoda.
UN Disarmament Week.
The annual observance of Disarmament Week begins on the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, was called for to highlight the danger of the arms race, propagate the need for its cessation
AGM of Mid-Somerset CND & Peace Group
AGM of Mid-Somerset CND & Peace Group
Join the debate, help plan the next part of the campaign.
Walk towards a Nuclear Free Future
Handa Shonin Memorial Walk 2012
Rev Handa was a Buddhist monk at Milton Keynes Peace Pagoda from 1080 until his sudden death in August 2007, just after he had joined an anti-nuclear walk and led the annual floating lantern ceremony on Hiroshima Day. A small group of people (between 5 and 10) will walk this August in memory of Handa Shonin and all he stood for.
Chris Coles, of Drone Wars UK will speak.
Keep Space for Peace demo
As part of the week of international protest called for by the Global Network Against Weapons and Power in Space (Keep Space for Peace) the regular Tuesday demonstration (6-8 pm) will focus on this (in conjunction with Yorkshire CND). More details nearer the time: see /
Annual Hiroshima commemoration
A ceremony to remember the victims of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Bring white flowers and biodegradable lanterns to float on the Thames if you wish. All welcome.
The annual Joseph Rotblat Memorial Lecture at the Hay Festival
With Rose Gottemoeller. President Obama's Acting Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, and the chief negotiator on the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with the Russian Federation. Chair: Nik Gowing. In association with the Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness Programme.
Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp
Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp is held on the second full weekend of every month. See the events section at for dates of forthcoming camps. We arrive at camp on Saturday morning or sometimes on Friday evening (please ring to check we are there if you plan to come Friday evening). We stay until Sunday lunch-time.
All women are welcome to come along at any time - and male visitors are welcome at camp during the day, but not during the evening or at night.
High military spending: making a case for the alternatives
Lecture by Dr Stuart Parkinson, Executive Director, SGR
An event to mark the Global Day of Action on Military Spending:
Organised by the Millichap Peace Fund.
Sport in the service of peace
In ancient Greece the original Olympic Games were preceded by a fifty day holy truce and it was followed by a 50 day truce. This was not only to allow competitors to travel in safety to Olympia but because the Games were regarded as a sacred event. This is an invitation to celebrate One Hundred Days of Peace to promote a culture of peace in our communities. We hope you can attend.
Barn Dance
In aid of CND. Fully accessible.
Fete of the Earth
Plants, bric-a -brac, crafts, cakes ,refreshments
etc. In aid of CND. Fully accessible.
Book Sale
Book sale in aid of CND. Fully accessible.
Launch of Andrew Brown's Biography of Joseph Rotblat
British Pugwash/Oxford University Press meeting to launch Andrew Brown’s new biography of Joseph Rotblat, Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience. The meeting will be followed by a reception where Andrew Brown will sign copies of his book, which will be on sale. The meeting will feature presentations by Andrew Brown, Professor Paul Rogers from the University of Bradford’s Department of Peace Studies, and Sandra Ionno Butcher, Director of the Pugwash History Project.
Nagasaki Day Peace Walk and Floating Lanterns Ceremony
Peace walk, 7.45pm, from Westminster Cathedral to the London Peace Pagoda followed by the Floating Lantern Ceremony at sunset.
27th Annual Celebration of the London Peace Pagoda.
27th Annual Celebration of the London Peace Pagoda. There will be Interfaith prayers for peace, messages and speeches, devotional music and dance. The programme will be followed by an offering of tea and light refreshments, ending by 5pm.
All welcome.
Jim McCluskey
Jim McCluskey works with the World Court Project, Kingston Peace Council and the Stop the War Coalition with a view to achieving peaceful rather than violent solutions to conflict situations in foreign affairs. Produced two A5 publications on the subject of The Nuclear Threat: ‘The Nuclear Threat: Intolerable and Avoidable - The arguments against nuclear weapons (and the arguments for)’ and ‘The Nuclear Threat: Intolerable and Avoidable - Accidents, misjudgements, and mega Foul-ups and What would nuclear war be like?’
Ash Wednesday
An annual liturgy and witness of Repentance and Resistance to nuclear war preparations will take place at various military sites.
Ash Wednesday 2013
An annual liturgy and witness of Repentance and Resistance to nuclear war preparations will take place at the Ministry of Defence, London and other military sites.
Gather at Victoria Embankment Gardens at 3.00pm.
With Pax Christi with Christian CND, London Catholic Worker, Catholic Peace Action. 0208 203 4884. Pax Christi, St Joseph's, Watford Way, London , NW4 4TY 0208 203 4884