Come along to this rally in Edinburgh in solidarity with Conscientious Objectors in Israel, Ukraine, Russia and around the world, to mark CO Day.
Conscientious Objection
International Conscientious Objectors' Day
International Conscientious Objectors' Day
To remember those around the world, past and present, who resisted killing others and face(d) persecution and imprisonment and death as a consequence.
International Conscientious Objectors' Day
Gather at St George's Hall steps close to the war monument.
Conscientious Objectors Day
Join Greater Manchester & District CND in Manchester Peace Gardens to be a part of the international mobilisations.
For any queries please contact
International Conscientious Objector’s Day.
Events around the country. See
Prisoners for Peace Day
This day is a chance for you to demonstrate your support for individuals in gaol for refusing to join the military or who have taken nonviolent actions to disrupt preparation for war, by writing to th