Find out about the fossil free movement calling for disinvestment from fossil fuels. The tour features dynamic speakers Bill McKibben (International Climate Campaigner) and Kumi Naidoo (Greenpeace International Director), plus other speakers from across social movements, including Christians who are campaigning for UK Churches to disinvest. The tour will feature Operation Noah's recently launched Bright Now campaign, as partners in the tour alongside and People & Planet.
Climate Change
Fossil-Free Tour.
Fossil-Free Tour.
Find out about the fossil free movement calling for disinvestment from fossil fuels. The tour features dynamic speakers Bill McKibben (International Climate Campaigner) and Kumi Naidoo (Greenpeace International Director), plus other speakers from across social movements, including Christians who are campaigning for UK Churches to disinvest. The tour will feature Operation Noah's recently launched Bright Now campaign, as partners in the tour alongside and People & Planet.
Climate Justice vis-à-vis Global Justice.
Who should accept responsibility for, and bear the costs of, climate change? Can climate change be sectioned off as an isolated issue of justice, or is it inextricably entangled with broader concerns of global justice? Speaker: Dr Katie Steele, senior lecturer in philosophy at LSE.
This event is free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.
Arctic Meltdown - Public Meeting
With: Professor Peter Wadhams, Head of the Polar Oceans Physics Group at Cambridge University.
Get Fractious
Come and help us build a giant fracking rig outside Parliament on the 1st December 2012 at the time of the UN Climate Talks in Qatar, as well as the "Grosvenor Square Keystone Pipeline" (from the Canadian to US Embassies) on the same day.
Check website for more details. Assemble 12noon.
Climate Justice Collective meeting
Following on from the Winter Warm Up in January (, and the Big Six Energy Bash in May (, join us for a day of reflection and future planning:
-- How can we continue to connect the dots between economic, climate and social injustices?
-- How can we strengthen links between the anti-cuts movement, Occupy, community action and climate groups?
A travel pool will be made available to help cover transport costs.
A kidspace can be made available - please email if you think you might require one.
Caravan for Climate Jobs Public Meeting
Speakers include Manuel Cortes from the TSSA Rail Union.
The Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group Climate Jobs Caravan is travelling around England (with forays to Cardiff and Glasgow) to raise the profile for climate jobs.
Climate Caravan: One Million Jobs, Now Minister!
The nationwide tour comes to an end with a demand that Chris Grayling, the Minister for Work and Pensions, gets serious about job creation. Join us for colourful lunchtime event
Public Meeting, 7pm Friends Meeting House, St. Martin's Lane, off Trafalgar Square. Speakers include Tony Kearns (Sen. Dep. Gen Sec of CWU), Jean Lambert, (Green Party), Murad Qureshi (Chair, GLA environmental committee), Professor Barbara Harris-White (Million Climate Jobs Report), Suzanne Jeffrey (Chair, CaCC TU group), Sachi Lloyd (author), Graham Peterson (UCU), Graham Thompson (Greenpeace).
Caravan for Climate Jobs
Fighting for a million new jobs; Fighting the threat of catastrophic climate change.
Public meeting.
Caravan for Climate Jobs
Fighting for a million new jobs; Fighting the threat of catastrophic climate change. Stalls, Market Square.
7.30pm: Meeting. Storey Institute.
Caravan for Climate Jobs
Fighting for a million new jobs; Fighting the threat of catastrophic climate change.
Distributing leaflets & information, all day. Commercial Rd Precinct, Arundel St, between Debenhams & Burtons.
Caravan for Climate Jobs
Fighting for a million new jobs; Fighting the threat of catastrophic climate change. Climate Job Centre in Amphitheatre.
7.30pm: Meeting, The Curve.
Caravan for Climate Jobs
Fighting for a million new jobs; Fighting the threat of catastrophic climate change.
Caravan for Climate Jobs
Fighting for a million new jobs; Fighting the threat of catastrophic climate change.
Zero Carbon Britain Day 2012
We need a bold ambitious target both for the UK to fulfill its responsibilities to the rest of the world - especially the poorest and most vulnerable - and to do our very best to jog the rest of the world - especially the rich and powerful - into getting serious about an effective international agreement to bring down greenhouse gas emissions globally.
Organise a fun event in your area for this Nationwide Day of Action to promote the goal of a Zero Carbon Britain by 2030.
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