Campaigning day with speakers, workshops.
Climate Change
Groundswell climate action event
‘Where next after COP21?’
Operation Noah Supporters’ Day and AGM.
We will be looking at:
* COP21, what has happened since and what happens next in the climate movement.
Climate Crisis? How do we respond?
The Second Annual Gary Mahoney Memorial Debate.
Speakers: Right Reverend Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool
Andrew Morse, Professor of Climate Impacts, Universityof Liverpool
Going Backwards on Climate
Since May 2015, the government has sidelined clean energy technology in favour of a dash for gas, cutting insulation, and pushing through fracking, roads and runways despite local opposition.
Cycle London to Paris for COP21
Join us on a 3-day journey to Paris to tell the world and its leaders that we need to be doing more to limit climate change.
Mass mobilisation and action
Join us in Paris for a mass mobilisation and the largest civil disobedience action on climate change in Europe. If governments won’t stand up for us, we will stand for ourselves.
Global Village of Alternatives
The Global Village of Alternatives will take place on December, 5-6 2015 in Montreuil, France.
Scotland’s Climate March
Art not Oil Protest
We’re announcing “Open Season” at the British Museum.
As part of the Art Not Oil Coalition please join us for a "protest festival" at the British Museum.
The United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015. The international climate conference will be held at the Le Bourget site.
Coalition Climate 21 : Invitation Mobilisation Strategic Meeting.
To build the pressure needed for ambitious and just climate action, and transformational and sustainable public policies, close to 100 civil society organisations have collectively founded the French
Messages for the Paris conference: The forgotten dimensions of climate change
Scientists for Global Responsibility conference 2015
We'll be discussing the links between climate change and war, as well as a range of other issues.
For the latest details, including ticketing info, see:
Pray and Fast for the Climate
Londoners from various religious and philosophical traditions are joining together in solidarity with others worldwide. We are meeting at different venues in London on the first day of each month until UN COP 21 in Paris, December 2015.
Global Divestment Day.
On 13 & 14 February, people across 5 continents will turn out to take collective action demanding divestment from fossil fuels. We’ll be calling on our capital city to show leadership (and love) this Valentines Day and end its dangerous relationship with fossil fuels.
Peoples Climate March London
March aims to put pressure on political parties before the general election, and raise the profile of climate change.
The march will start in Lincoln’s Inn Fields / Malet Street, setting off at 1pm.
Living within Environmental Limits
Scientists for Global Responsibility conference. Come and discuss how we can both tackle climate change and improve our quality of life. Part of the event will involve tours of cutting-edge eco-homes and community-scale renewable energy technologies. Main speakers: Dr Maria Sharmina, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Manchester. Sue Riddlestone OBE, Chief Executive, BioRegional. Parallel sessions: Community renewable energy: overcoming obstacles. Sustainable living: what does it look like? Tours of Lancaster Cohousing and local renewable energy technologies.
The International Fight for Climate Jobs - For a Future that doesn't Cost the Earth
Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group is holding its annual conference to coincide with the release of the third edition of the '1 Million Climate Jobs' booklet.
People’s Climate March.
The World Leaders' Climate Summit in New York happening in September will be a key moment in the fight against climate change. There is already a March organised in New York, which aims to be the biggest climate demonstration the US has ever seen.
1pm near Temple on Embankment and proceed to Parliament.
Campaign against Climate Change is helping to organise this march along with many other organisations such as Avaaz,, UKYCC, People & Planet, Operation Noah, Wake Up London, Art Not Oil, BP or not BP, UCL Students' Union, Rising Tide...
Denying climate change won't make it go away!
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Friederike E. L. Otto, Senior Researcher and Scientific Coordinator, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford Centre for the Environment.
Fossil-Free Tour.
Find out about the fossil free movement calling for disinvestment from fossil fuels. The tour features dynamic speakers Bill McKibben (International Climate Campaigner) and Kumi Naidoo (Greenpeace International Director), plus other speakers from across social movements, including Christians who are campaigning for UK Churches to disinvest. The tour will feature Operation Noah's recently launched Bright Now campaign, as partners in the tour alongside and People & Planet. 7.30pm (doors 6.30pm)