2013 – Why is it a pivotal year for the international campaign to ban nuclear weapons?

Fri, 19/04/2013 - 10:30 - 13:00
Regular event?: 
This is not a regular event

How do we build up a coalition to work together for a nuclear weapons free world? Nuclear Free Local Authorities Scotland, Mayors for Peace, PNND and Abolition 2000 Joint Seminar. This seminar is a free event which coincides with the conclusion of the Abolition 2000 Network AGM and a meeting of the NFLA Scotland Forum. It is open to NFLA members, Mayors for Peace members, Parliamentarians for Non-proliferation & Nuclear Disarmament members and supporters of the Abolition 2000 Network.

NFLA: http://www.nuclearpolicy.info
Mayors for Peace: http://www.mayorsforpeace.org
Parliamentarians for Non-Proliferation & Nuclear Disarmament: http://www.pnnd.org
Abolition 2000 - 2013 AGM details: http://www.abolition2000.org

Organised by: 
Organiser is an NFP member
Venue: Business Centre, City Chambers, Edinburgh
To attend, please send your details to: Cathy Birrell, NFLA Scotland Secretary, City Chambers, Glasgow, G1 2DU or complete the attached flyer. Telephone: 0141 287 7872 Email: cathy.birrell@ced.glasgow.gov.uk Or contact the NFLA UK and Ireland Secretary, Sean Morris, s.morris4@manchester.gov.uk if you have more generic inquiries.