Anti-Trident Rally on the steps on Y Senedd in Cardiff Bay . There will be speeches from Welsh Assembly Members, also a Member of the Scottish Parliament, Jean Urquhart MSP, will be coming to Cardiff especially to participate. This will be followed by performances including excerpts from ‘The Trident Oratorio’ by Camilla Cantantata of Knighton, Powys and other music by Côr Gobaith (Aberystwyth) and Côr Cochion Caerdydd. Giant messages calling on the Welsh Government not to support nuclear weapons based in Wales, or anywhere will be handed in to the First Minister. Messages read out will include those by Archbishop of Wales, Barry Morgan. The event is sponsored and organised by CND Cymru, Trident Ploughshares and Knighton Action for Peace & Justice.
“Trident Submarines, Nuclear Weapons: Not in Wales, Not in England – Not Anywhere!”
Tue, 16/10/2012 - 12:00 - 16:00
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Organiser is an NFP member
t: 01239 85 11 88 e: