Fri, 11/10/2024 - 19:30
Regular event?:
This is not a regular event
London Housmans are delighted to welcome the brilliant Out-Spoken Press to the shop to celebrate the launch of Rojbîn Arjen Yiğit‘s brilliant new pamphlet Tongueless.
Rojbîn Arjen Yiğit is a Kurdish writer and poet. She is trilingual, her poetry probes the themes of language, exile and womanhood. Amongst other places, her work has been published in Wasafiri, Prototype, Extra Teeth and Propel Magazine. Tongueless is her debut poetry pamphlet.
See more, including booking, on website.
Organised by:
Housmans Bookshop
Organiser is an NFP member
£3.50, £8 including book
Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road.