If you fancy a day out in the beautiful Buckinghamshire countryside, then why not head for the Quaker village of Jordans. This small village near Beaconsfield will be the historic venue for our next event, a concert of words and music devised by violinist and MPD committee member Jane Faulkner in aid of MPD, and marking the 400th anniversary of the birth of George Fox, the founder of Quakerism. In her introduction Jane explains that Quakers hold their Peace Testimony as a core value, and therefore they welcome all proceeds going to MPD. Jane is a member of Jordans Quaker Meeting, and she is joined by fellow musicians, oboist Richard Simpson and keyboard player Esther Cavett. They will be playing a selection of mostly baroque music, woven around a script about the life of George Fox.
Admission free, donations to MPD.
Enquiries about George Fox 400: office@jordansquakercentre.org [1] | 01494 876 594
General enquiries: info.mpdconcerts@gmail.com [2]