London Region CND’s annual Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the commemorative cherry tree in Tavistock Square, noon-1pm.
Followed by a Peace Picnic in the square.
Lrcnd's forthcoming events
Hiroshima Day event
Hiroshima Day event
London Region CND’s annual Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the commemorative cherry tree in Tavistock Square, noon-1pm.
Followed by a Peace Picnic in the square.
Hiroshima Day event
London Region CND’s annual Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the commemorative cherry tree in Tavistock Square, noon-1pm.
Followed by a Peace Picnic in the square.
Hiroshima Day event
London Region CND’s annual Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the commemorative cherry tree in Tavistock Square, noon-1pm.
Followed by a Peace Picnic in the square.
Hiroshima Day event
London Region CND’s annual Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the commemorative cherry tree in Tavistock Square, noon-1pm.
Followed by a Peace Picnic in the square.
‘NATO and the war in Ukraine’ – London CND webinar
Donald Trump claims he can end the war in Ukraine ‘in 24 hours’. Is it anything other than an idle boast? What might a US-imposed political settlement look like?