Forthcoming events

Easy to print list of events coming up in the next two months.

RSS feed available.

Wed, 12/03/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black vigil

WiB - London meets every Wednesday, around the statue of Edith Cavell in St Martin’s Place 6-7. We are very happy to welcome new women to the vigils – even if they can only come once in a while.

Edith Cavell statue in St Martin’s Place
This is a regular event
Thu, 13/03/2025 - 19:30
'International Order' and Arms Production in West Yorkshire (and Beyond)

With Tom Pettinger, Lecturer, University of Bradford Peace Studies and International Development.

All welcome

The talk explores the state of institutions and law built by Western powers during their formal colonial rule. It discusses how the foundations of this 'order' implicate the present - including via counterterrorism in UK public institutions - and how it shapes the weapons able to be built and sold in Yorkshire today. The talk also investigates public contestations with police and arms companies, in the region.

Tom is a lecturer at the University of Bradford, who works on questions of security and terrorism.

Huddersfield Quaker meeting, Church Street, Paddock HD1 4TR
Huddersfield Quakers
This is a regular event
Fri, 14/03/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black vigil

Women in Black vigils take place at the War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton.

War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton
This is a regular event
Sat, 15/03/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black Peace Vigil

Oxford Women in Black hold a silent vigil for Peace and Justice every Saturday from 2pm to 3pm at the Martyrs Memorial, bottom of St Giles, Oxford.
Contact to go on our WhatsApp group for up to date information about forthcoming vigils.

This is a regular event
Sat, 15/03/2025 - 10:00
‘Stepping back from the brink of nuclear war: fresh thinking on peace and disarmament’

8th Annual Student/Young Pugwash Conference

Location: King's College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building (Room 1.10) / Online via zoom

Student / Young Pugwash (SYP) is a network of students, researchers and younger people interested in a wide range of peace and security issues. We are the youth wing of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, founded in 1957 by Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell, Joseph Rotblat, and other prominent public figures and scientists.

Our annual conference is an opportunity for young and emerging experts to share their ideas and research from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. Conference attendees will be a mix of established experts from the Pugwash community (e.g. diplomats, scientists, academics, campaigners) and students / young researchers.

For examples of our past conferences, visit:

King's College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building (Room 1.10)
This is not a regular event
Sat, 15/03/2025 - 13:00
Yorkshire CND Strategy Day
Leeds LS2 9DX

Join us in Leeds for the annual Yorkshire CND strategy day, with talks and workshops guarenteed to improve the way we approach our campaign work in 2025.

We are thrilled to be joined by Peter Nias (previous Museum Development officer at The Peace Museum) and Salena Barry (Stop Killer Robots).

If you are unable to attend in person, but would still like to get involved, please email us ( for the Zoom link.

RSVP via website

Quaker Meeting House, Central Leeds•188 Woodhouse Ln, Woodhouse LS2 9DX
Yorkshire CND
This is a regular event
Tue, 18/03/2025 (All day)
London CAAT meeting

The London CAAT group meets monthly to discuss arms trade issues. Currently they are organising around the #StopArmingSaudi campaign.
For more information about the group, to request to be added to their group email list, or to confirm details of the next meeting, please email Third Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm, currently via Zoom

London CAAT
This is a regular event
Wed, 19/03/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black vigil

WiB - London meets every Wednesday, around the statue of Edith Cavell in St Martin’s Place 6-7. We are very happy to welcome new women to the vigils – even if they can only come once in a while.

Edith Cavell statue in St Martin’s Place
This is a regular event
Fri, 21/03/2025 (All day)
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
This is a regular event
Fri, 21/03/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black vigil

Women in Black vigils take place at the War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton.

War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton
This is a regular event